Doing Something More For God
Tuesday, 25 September 2012
Consider Christ at Ulster Covenant Day Centenary
A new tract in the series that travels under the 'Consider Christ' banner has been published in time for distribution at the Centenary Celebrations of the signing of the Ulster Covenant.
Written by Mr Robert Campbell, designed by Mark Thompson and printed by J.C Print, this tract both looks and reads well.
To date, 30,000 have been ordered, many thousands of which will be available for distribution on 'Ulster Day 2012.'
Many thanks to all who were involved in the production of this Gospel leaflet; some further copies are still available .... but unclaimed supplies are running low .... be quick if you wish to obtain a quantity.
Friday, 18 November 2011
Five Gospel Warnings
1. Substitute anything for Christ, and the Gospel is totally spoiled!
2. Add anything to Christ, and the Gospel ceases to be a pure Gospel!
3. Put anything between a person and Christ, and that person will neglect Christ for that very thing!
4. Spoil the proportions of Christ’s Gospel, and you spoil its efficacy!
5. Evangelical religion must be the Gospel, the whole Gospel and nothing but the Gospel.
[ J.C. Ryle, from his Tract: 'Evangelical Religion' ].
2. Add anything to Christ, and the Gospel ceases to be a pure Gospel!
3. Put anything between a person and Christ, and that person will neglect Christ for that very thing!
4. Spoil the proportions of Christ’s Gospel, and you spoil its efficacy!
5. Evangelical religion must be the Gospel, the whole Gospel and nothing but the Gospel.
[ J.C. Ryle, from his Tract: 'Evangelical Religion' ].
Monday, 19 September 2011
Outreach in Inishowen, Co. Donegal
The arrival of three students from the Whitefield College of the Bible on a two-week evangelistic programme allowed us to complete a stage in the Consider Christ project in Co. Donegal that we were unable to do in October 2010.
Then, the Inishowen penisula had been impossible to reach from our base in Rossknowlagh due to both distance and extreme weather conditions.
However, the central day in book our weeks of evangelism with the students (Wednesday 7 and Wednesday 14 September) was set aside for the purpose of taking the Gospel to Inishowen.
Thousands of homes received our specially designed 'Consider Christ' literature – one large tract (#2) based on the words of Isaiah 55, and the smaller leaflet, 'It's Time To Turn.'
Please pray for the spiritual seed that has been sown in this area; we desperately need our Lord to produce a harvest of souls.
Sunday, 18 September 2011

Over the summer period, the web domain "" became available.
We have been using "" for the initial stages in the Campaign.
The advantage of having "" is obvious.
The whole process was rather complex and drawn-out, and it is a testament to the perseverance of Stephen Hogg (Vision Solutions NI) and to the grace of God that we managed to secure this URL.
May the Lord be pleased to use it to expand His kingdom and exalt His Person and Work.
Tuesday, 8 February 2011
Outreach in Dublin
On Saturday 29th January, an outreach team of five young people travelled to Dublin via the train.
Three of us met in Belfast and a further two joined us on the train at Portadown. The team comprised Aaron Fitzsimons, Andrew Simpson, Rachel Crawford, Henry Anderson and Clive Keys.
We arrived in Dublin just after nine o’clock. First, we had a look around for some suitable open-air locations. Then, we ate breakfast and headed out to hold the first of four open-air services.
The open-airs consisted of 'Bible Shots' (each team member reading a verse of scripture which God has used to speak to them or one that tells a simple Gospel truth) and then either Aaron or Andrew preaching a short, yet direct Gospel message. During the preaching a few team members would hand out tracts.
Henry led one of the meetings and gave his testimony at another, while Rachel and Clive also gave their testimonies, telling of God's saving grace in their lives! We believe each of these, were blessing to the hearts of some lost soul passing by!
“I have planted, Apollos watered; but God gave the increase” (1 Corinthians 3:6).
We pray that the planting, the watering and God speaking will prove to have been fulfilled on Saturday!
As a team and as individuals we did have to opportunity of speaking one-to-one with a number of people.
• God blessed Clive with the opportunity of witnessing to a man called Mark from England. He has a background of drug abuse, but there and then, during our first open air he gave his life to the Lord! We ask you to pray for this man that he would to grow in Christ, and also for Clive as he remains in contact with him.
• We also came across a Muslim called Owen. He stood and listened to what had been said during one of the open airs and, showing interest in what had been said, came over to ask more.
He was a young Irish man that claims to have tried many different religions and belief systems, ranging from Baptist to Mormonism. He also mentioned that he had read the 'Consider Christ' tracts from the leaflet drop that took place in Autumn last year!
A long conversation followed, one which took the form of a debate. Personally, after speaking with Owen, the confidence I have in Christ has not only stood fast, but it has been strengthened by the lack of evidence he showed for this lost faith.
• One other older man, Thomas, who I had the chance to engage in conversation with, wanted to understand what we preached - seeking knowledge however does not save a man. He had many problems with the Catholic Church which he belonged to, but those problems were set alongside problems he had with Protestant churches. Unfortunately his view of Protestantism has most likely been tainted by the teachings and actions of unbiblical 'so called' Protestant churches.
He seemed eager to know more, so I directed him to where he will be able to hear the true, faithful word of God being preached!
At times, the government acted as a deterrent to the Word when we were told, that we would be fined if we continued to evangelise through the handing out of leaflets!
In saying that, the overall response to the Gospel tracts given out was indifferent. Some took and kept them (possibly in fear of a €100 fine). However, others with the fine in view didn't litter the streets, but unfortunately filled the bins!
God's work has its ups and downs, we can only pray that those who kept the word will read it, and that God would speak to them and convict them of their sins!
The last open air was held at about 4:00pm and after a cup of coffee and a long-awaited rest we made our way back to the train station for 9.00pm. The journey home was expected to be quick, however, due to bomb scares in the North we experienced a short delay and a detour, causing us to get off the train in Newry and travel back to Belfast on a bus!
We would ask you to continually pray for the people of the South of Ireland as this campaign to win lost souls continues! Pray especially for the individuals mentioned in this short report.
We can and must pray, but when given the opportunity, let us also DO!
“For as the body without the spirit is dead, so faith without works is dead also” (James 2:26).
Three of us met in Belfast and a further two joined us on the train at Portadown. The team comprised Aaron Fitzsimons, Andrew Simpson, Rachel Crawford, Henry Anderson and Clive Keys.
We arrived in Dublin just after nine o’clock. First, we had a look around for some suitable open-air locations. Then, we ate breakfast and headed out to hold the first of four open-air services.
The open-airs consisted of 'Bible Shots' (each team member reading a verse of scripture which God has used to speak to them or one that tells a simple Gospel truth) and then either Aaron or Andrew preaching a short, yet direct Gospel message. During the preaching a few team members would hand out tracts.
Henry led one of the meetings and gave his testimony at another, while Rachel and Clive also gave their testimonies, telling of God's saving grace in their lives! We believe each of these, were blessing to the hearts of some lost soul passing by!
“I have planted, Apollos watered; but God gave the increase” (1 Corinthians 3:6).
We pray that the planting, the watering and God speaking will prove to have been fulfilled on Saturday!
As a team and as individuals we did have to opportunity of speaking one-to-one with a number of people.
• God blessed Clive with the opportunity of witnessing to a man called Mark from England. He has a background of drug abuse, but there and then, during our first open air he gave his life to the Lord! We ask you to pray for this man that he would to grow in Christ, and also for Clive as he remains in contact with him.
• We also came across a Muslim called Owen. He stood and listened to what had been said during one of the open airs and, showing interest in what had been said, came over to ask more.
He was a young Irish man that claims to have tried many different religions and belief systems, ranging from Baptist to Mormonism. He also mentioned that he had read the 'Consider Christ' tracts from the leaflet drop that took place in Autumn last year!
A long conversation followed, one which took the form of a debate. Personally, after speaking with Owen, the confidence I have in Christ has not only stood fast, but it has been strengthened by the lack of evidence he showed for this lost faith.
• One other older man, Thomas, who I had the chance to engage in conversation with, wanted to understand what we preached - seeking knowledge however does not save a man. He had many problems with the Catholic Church which he belonged to, but those problems were set alongside problems he had with Protestant churches. Unfortunately his view of Protestantism has most likely been tainted by the teachings and actions of unbiblical 'so called' Protestant churches.
He seemed eager to know more, so I directed him to where he will be able to hear the true, faithful word of God being preached!
At times, the government acted as a deterrent to the Word when we were told, that we would be fined if we continued to evangelise through the handing out of leaflets!
In saying that, the overall response to the Gospel tracts given out was indifferent. Some took and kept them (possibly in fear of a €100 fine). However, others with the fine in view didn't litter the streets, but unfortunately filled the bins!
God's work has its ups and downs, we can only pray that those who kept the word will read it, and that God would speak to them and convict them of their sins!
The last open air was held at about 4:00pm and after a cup of coffee and a long-awaited rest we made our way back to the train station for 9.00pm. The journey home was expected to be quick, however, due to bomb scares in the North we experienced a short delay and a detour, causing us to get off the train in Newry and travel back to Belfast on a bus!
We would ask you to continually pray for the people of the South of Ireland as this campaign to win lost souls continues! Pray especially for the individuals mentioned in this short report.
We can and must pray, but when given the opportunity, let us also DO!
“For as the body without the spirit is dead, so faith without works is dead also” (James 2:26).
Tuesday, 18 January 2011
Detailed Report on Monaghan, Cavan & Louth Outreach
Fifteen people from various Free Presbyterian Churches made their way to the Four Seasons Hotel in Monaghan on the evening of Friday the 26th of November.
We were assembled together with the united objective of bringing the Gospel of Jesus Christ to the border counties, specifically to the more major towns of Counties Monaghan, Cavan and Louth.
Throughout the weekend the fellowship was excellent and we certainly felt the nearness of God’s presence, particularly in a number of meetings together in the hotel for prayer and for meditation upon the Word of God. We can testify of the Lord’s goodness in help given throughout the weekend and particularly on the Saturday which was the main day of work.
In order to cover more ground, the team was divided in two with a number working in Monaghan town and travelling on to Cavan town and the rest working in Dundalk and then Drogheda.
• The group working in Monaghan, led by Rev David McLaughlin and Rev Larry Power, was joined by a number of believers from our Clogher Valley congregation including Rev Peter McIntyre and began the day with some door-to-door work in a couple of estates in and around Monaghan town before conducting an open-air service outside the courthouse in the town at which a number of gospel verses were quoted and Rev McLaughlin preached the Word whilst a number gave out the “Consider Christ” gospel tracts. One man was spoken to who seemed to show interest in the message proclaimed.
Moving into Cavan, the group then used the same routine of carrying out some door-to-door work in the area before returning to the town centre for another open-air which followed a similar format at which Rev McIntyre preached Christ to those who were nearby. This open air coincided with the switching on of the town’s Christmas lights and so there were a good number of people in the town able to hear the preaching of the gospel.
• The other group, led by Rev Smith, journeyed to Dundalk in the morning and were joined by around 6 others who had driven down for the day’s efforts. In Dundalk we had the opportunity to conduct an open-air at which two individuals gave a brief word of testimony as to the workings of the Lord in their lives, a number of others quoted a selection of verses from the bible before Rev Smith brought a message concerning Jesus Christ and the healing of the palsied man focussing particularly on those words “Son, thy sins be forgiven thee” (Mark 2:5). Although the town was relatively quiet, it was encouraging to see a number of people keenly listening from their cars as well as a few people who listened for short periods throughout.
One young man listened intently to the whole service and having spoken to a number of the team, told one of us that our efforts would not be in vain. Hearing that young man’s story is heartbreaking, yet we rejoice that if Christ is to save him, his life will turn in an instant from tragedy to triumph, certainly at least in relation to his soul.
Following the open air in Dundalk, the group made their way to Drogheda where we spent some time doing some door-to-door work in one of the estates before making our way back to the hotel in Monaghan.
One observation from speaking to people on the doors throughout all the towns targeted was that whilst in Northern Ireland the average person may not even confess to believing in a god, many in the Republic clearly believe in God, the challenge is to present the simplicity of the gospel to them that “being justified by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ” (Romans 5:1).
The group enjoyed fellowship with the believers in Coragarry Free Presbyterian Church in Drum, and special thanks must go to the ladies of the congregation for providing a tasty lunch of soups, breads and a variety of deserts. It was a joy to have prolonged fellowship with the congregation throughout the afternoon before making our way home.
It is fair to say that the weather limited us in some regards as many of the roads were covered in ice, and so slowed down our travels, yet we thank the Lord for safety in transport. We thank the Lord for wisdom in speaking to people of Christ, for power given in the preaching of His word and especially for the sense of His presence throughout. We trust that He will use these small efforts made over the weekend for His own glory, and that even in time to come, the seed sown will be reaped in the extension of Christ’s kingdom into the Republic of Ireland.
We were assembled together with the united objective of bringing the Gospel of Jesus Christ to the border counties, specifically to the more major towns of Counties Monaghan, Cavan and Louth.
Throughout the weekend the fellowship was excellent and we certainly felt the nearness of God’s presence, particularly in a number of meetings together in the hotel for prayer and for meditation upon the Word of God. We can testify of the Lord’s goodness in help given throughout the weekend and particularly on the Saturday which was the main day of work.
In order to cover more ground, the team was divided in two with a number working in Monaghan town and travelling on to Cavan town and the rest working in Dundalk and then Drogheda.
• The group working in Monaghan, led by Rev David McLaughlin and Rev Larry Power, was joined by a number of believers from our Clogher Valley congregation including Rev Peter McIntyre and began the day with some door-to-door work in a couple of estates in and around Monaghan town before conducting an open-air service outside the courthouse in the town at which a number of gospel verses were quoted and Rev McLaughlin preached the Word whilst a number gave out the “Consider Christ” gospel tracts. One man was spoken to who seemed to show interest in the message proclaimed.
Moving into Cavan, the group then used the same routine of carrying out some door-to-door work in the area before returning to the town centre for another open-air which followed a similar format at which Rev McIntyre preached Christ to those who were nearby. This open air coincided with the switching on of the town’s Christmas lights and so there were a good number of people in the town able to hear the preaching of the gospel.
• The other group, led by Rev Smith, journeyed to Dundalk in the morning and were joined by around 6 others who had driven down for the day’s efforts. In Dundalk we had the opportunity to conduct an open-air at which two individuals gave a brief word of testimony as to the workings of the Lord in their lives, a number of others quoted a selection of verses from the bible before Rev Smith brought a message concerning Jesus Christ and the healing of the palsied man focussing particularly on those words “Son, thy sins be forgiven thee” (Mark 2:5). Although the town was relatively quiet, it was encouraging to see a number of people keenly listening from their cars as well as a few people who listened for short periods throughout.
One young man listened intently to the whole service and having spoken to a number of the team, told one of us that our efforts would not be in vain. Hearing that young man’s story is heartbreaking, yet we rejoice that if Christ is to save him, his life will turn in an instant from tragedy to triumph, certainly at least in relation to his soul.
Following the open air in Dundalk, the group made their way to Drogheda where we spent some time doing some door-to-door work in one of the estates before making our way back to the hotel in Monaghan.
One observation from speaking to people on the doors throughout all the towns targeted was that whilst in Northern Ireland the average person may not even confess to believing in a god, many in the Republic clearly believe in God, the challenge is to present the simplicity of the gospel to them that “being justified by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ” (Romans 5:1).
The group enjoyed fellowship with the believers in Coragarry Free Presbyterian Church in Drum, and special thanks must go to the ladies of the congregation for providing a tasty lunch of soups, breads and a variety of deserts. It was a joy to have prolonged fellowship with the congregation throughout the afternoon before making our way home.
It is fair to say that the weather limited us in some regards as many of the roads were covered in ice, and so slowed down our travels, yet we thank the Lord for safety in transport. We thank the Lord for wisdom in speaking to people of Christ, for power given in the preaching of His word and especially for the sense of His presence throughout. We trust that He will use these small efforts made over the weekend for His own glory, and that even in time to come, the seed sown will be reaped in the extension of Christ’s kingdom into the Republic of Ireland.
Monday, 17 January 2011
Consider Christ to Feature on Anniversary DVD
After a little 'layoff,' a little snippet of news from 'Consider Christ' to relay today.
The Free Presbyterian Church of Ulster is currently producing a DVD to commemorate the 60th Anniversary of the denomination.
The 'Consider Christ' project is set to feature within it.
Today, James McClelland took some footage of me giving a brief overview of the Campaign, including its origin and operation.
Hopefully we'll be able to say ... "Check this space" ... again soon!
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