Once again, without getting much room to manoeuvre, 'VisionSolutionsNI' came up with the goods. This allowed us to distribute Prayer Bookmarks at the Presbytery meeting on Friday, 5 June.
When placed in our Bibles, these will act as a useful reminder to earnestly pray each day @ 12 Noon for the blessing of the Lord on our Evangelistic Campaign.
Most of our churches are taking up offerings for the 'Doing Something More For God' Campaign during the month of June. We have printed envelopes to assist in this offering. These were distributed at Presbytery last Friday.
Part of the writing on the envelope is:
"I enclose my donation to help the DOING SOMETHING MORE FOR GOD Campaign – Our £100,000 Evangelistic Outreach to Take the Gospel to Every Home in Northern Ireland.
'And the LORD said unto him, 'What is that in thine hand?' ...' (Exodus 4:2)."
If you require any further supplies of these envelopes, please let us know.
Our campaign, 'Doing Something More For God,' is now on Facebook.
This should promote discussion – and encourage more to pray for the Lord's blessing on this Gospel Outreach.
You can catch up with us here: