Thursday, 12 November 2009

Sharing Our Faith In Christ

While rummaging through some 'dusty corners' of my laptop tonight, I came across a poem I had saved for some future use.

That future use is .... now!

A Big Question

What purpose do we serve,
If we never have the nerve,
To share our faith,
...without reserve?
For fear we'll turn whoever off,
That some will turn away and scoff.
But keep it bottled up inside,
Because of pride.
We're to be forever bold,
Until our story's told
...and sold.
And then we'll know a joy untold,
And later get a crown of gold.
So we're to go our way,
And say our say,

Without delay,
And it will pay,
When we go away, stay,
...I pray.

(Hal Weeks)

Monday, 9 November 2009

Series of Messages on 'Consider Christ'

Rev. Paul Fitton, the minister of our church in Dungannon, Co. Tyrone, has recently completed a series of three messages on the theme, 'Consider Christ':



3. His POWER

These are available for free download at the following locations on Sermon Audio: