The above form is revised in that the location of one of the venues for outreach is changed from Kilkeel to Monaghan.
Not a massive alteration, since news of this change is already in circulation - but we include a revised Form in the interests of accuracy.
The deadline for application to join the Consider Christ Outreach Weekend in the Border Counties is fast approaching.
This outreach is scheduled for next weekend; Friday 26 - Lord's Day 28 November 2010.
There are two venues:
1. CEF Centre, Rossknowlagh, Co Donegal
... from this location we will reach into Co. Donegal and Co. Leitrim.
2. Four Seasons Hotel, Monaghan
... from this location we will reach into Co. Monaghan, Cavan and Louth.
Please print off the Application Form available on this blog site and return them to either of the addresses stipulated, together with your deposit of £10 (entire cost of weekend = £50).
Please note that Wednesday of this week (24 November) is the deadline for applications.
(i) We are meeting at each centre at 8pm on Friday, 26 November for fellowship and prayer;
(ii) then we intend to be on location from 10.30am - 6.00pm on Saturday,
(iii) and 11.00am - 4.00pm on the Lord's Day.
It's time to act ....... NOW!!
The second tract for use in personal outreach in the Second Phase of the Consider Christ Campaign was finalised today.
It should be printed towards the beginning of next week and will therefore be available for distribution in major towns belonging to the Five Border Counties next weekend.
12 noon was the start time for the production of a DVD to be used on Gospel Outreach in the Consider Christ Campaign.
It is hoped that this DVD will be ready for distribution when outreach teams converge on Monaghan Town and Rossknowlagh on the weekend of 26-28 November 2010.
Revs. Ian Brown, David McLaughlin, Robert Ormerod and David Smith each took turns at occupying 'the hot seat' to record messages for use on the DVD. (Rev. Ron Johnstone had been filmed at the weekend).
Initially, the benchmark had been set at 500-800 words ... after the 'first take' some trimming was deemed necessary.
The 'finished products' last between 1 min 54 sec and 5 min 31 sec..
Titles include:
'The Gospel'
'Why Did Jesus Die?'
'The Debt Is Paid'
'Sins Forgiven'
'Behold The Lamb'
'The Alphabet of Salvation'
'Three Great Anchors.'
Come and join with us in taking the Gospel via this medium to people in the 5 Border Counties – or assist with distribution by purchasing some (at modest cost) to pass on to your unconverted friends.