"Time is now fleeting, the moments are passing," noted the hymnwriter. How accurate he is!
We have tried to harness the momentum generated by the province-wide 'Consider Christ' campaign by organising a two-week Gospel Mission in Londonderry. This commenced on Lord's Day, 4 October – the day our bus adverts were officially due to come to an end.
Those two weeks are now accelerating to their close.
Only two meetings left!
Tonight, I will be joined in the pulpit by two of the other organisers in the 'Doing Something More For God / Consider Christ' Campaign:
• Rev. Robert Ormerod, who has been the evangelist throughout the Gospel Mission, will again be preaching (several of his messages have already been uploaded to Sermon Audio – www.sermonaudio.com/ianbrown – others will be put onto this site in due course);
• Rev. David McLaughlin is coming along to testify. I have heard a brief outline of his testimony from his daughter; this has whetted my appetite to hear more of what the Lord has done in his life.
Many visitors have attended the mission, with numbers rising throughout this second week.
Please pray with us that the good seed being faithfully and passionately sown will yield an abundant harvest.