Saturday, 11 April 2009

A Word From The Moderator

Dear Ian,

I spoke on Sunday to children on the subject of 'Jewels' from Malachi 3:17: "And they shall be mine, saith the Lord of Hosts, in that day when I make up my jewels."

We then sang the hymn, 'When He cometh, when He cometh to make up His Jewels.'

I was interested to read the following concerning the author, William Orcutt Cushing. He wrote this hymn for the children in his own Sunday School in 1856.

Several years later, William Cushing suffered a period of deep despair in his life. After the death of his wife, he developed a creeping paralysis and the loss of his speech at the age of 47. He was forced to retire from the ministry after 27 years as an active and successful pastor.

When he pleaded, "Lord, give me something to do for Thee," God answered, giving him the gift of writing appealing hymns. He composed more than 300 gospel hymns during his remaining years. Such hymns as:

'Hiding in Thee,'
'Under His Wings,'
'Follow On,' and
'There'll Be No Dark Valley,'

are just a few of his texts that have since contributed much to the lives of Christians everywhere.

I was struck that this believer was willing to ask the Lord for something to do for Him and that he was willing to do it.

His willingness reminded me of the campaign and was a challenge that surely each of us could "do something for Him."

I trust the Lord will guide and prosper this ministry and that all our people will be stirred to, "Do something more for Him."

Ron Johnstone
(Moderator of Free Presbyterian Church)

1 comment:

  1. Thank you Ian Brown for this awareness blog on getting the Gospel pushed out on the streets of N. Ireland. You are pushing the comfort zone on members of the Free Presbyterian congregations to get active and in this and they will thrive on witnessing the Gospel.

    I am across the water from you in Scotland and I pray the Holy Spirit will move in Scotland and we will see similar work happening here…

    Peter J Gordon
